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Explanation of fields
- Author: enter entire name or partial name (generally surname first and given name following (no comma when searching). The order of parental names may vary, so partial names might be more productive.
- Article: enter title, partial title, or word in the title.
- Book: enter title, partial title, or word in the title.
- Series: enter title, partial title, or word in the title.
- Publisher: enter name or partial name of the company or agency.
- Information: enter a word that might indicate the subject of the article (for instance, history) or a name (perhaps Villa-Lobos). Not every entry is annotated.
The following fields will appear as part of your search results, but they contain primarily abbreviations, and are not practical for quick searches. As a result, they are not currently included in the search form.
- Journal: at this time, this field is not searchable because most journal names are abbreviated. Full names are available in the Periodicals Database. In time, this field will de-coded for easy access.
- Date
- Page
- Library: list of the libraries that have the book or journal and have filed that information with OCLC (WorldCat).
ID | Author | Article | Book | Journal | Date | Page | Series | Publisher | Information | Library Info |
1 | ||||||||||
2 | Musices aptatio liber annuarius. | 1980- | Roma Consociatio | 23 holdings. | ||||||
3 | Issue dedicated to P. H. Allende. | RevMusChi, v1/n5 | (9/1975). | |||||||
4 | 'Missa Sao Sebastiano by Villa-Lobos,' | AmChorRev, v25/n1 | (1983): | 30-31. | Review article. | MI- [ML1.A502] EYM. | ||||
5 | 'Monuments of Music from the Venezuelan Colonial Music Archive,' | IAMB, 36. | ||||||||
6 | 'M | RevMusVen, | (1-4/1982): | 33-48. | Contains analysis of 2 motets, etc; review: Stevenson, in HLAS #46, p575. | |||||
7 | 'Notas,' Programa 13. | 1942, | p216-217. | Mexico: Orquesta sinf | [About Jos | |||||
8 | 'Nuestros M | MexMus, v1/n6 | (6/1931): | 7-9 | ||||||
9 | Rodolfo Holzmann en el 70o aniversario de su nacimiento. | 1980 | Huanuco, Peru: sn, | 18p, port., music. | CA-Getty Research Institute; TX-IXA. | |||||
10 | 'The organ in Brazil,' | TAO, | 12/1984: | 54- . | ||||||
11 | [Vega, Aurelio de la: Issue of LAMR devoted to. | LAMR, v22/n1 | (Spring-Summer/2001). | |||||||
12 | Irregular Serials and Annuals, 3rd ed. | 1974. | New York: Bowker, | ?CITATION? [Companion to Ulrich 1976-76.] | ||||||
13 | Latin American Music Materials. | 1981. | Disc. ?CITATION? | MI- [ML120.L3,L6] EEM, etc. | ||||||
14 | M | 1900. | ?CITATION? | MI- [ML210.M87 1984] EEM, etc. | ||||||
15 | M | 1982. | Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Econ | ?CITATION? | ||||||
16 | M | ca 1940. | Buenos Aires, Argentina: Gurina y C | ?CITATION? | ||||||
17 | M | Serie Del Creador Analizado. | San Jos | ?CITATION? DATE? | ||||||
18 | Obras completas de M | 1962. | Ensaio S | S | MI- [ML232.A7,E6] EEM, etc. | |||||
19 | Ofrenda de Venezuela en el primer centenario de la batalla de Ayacucho. | 1942. | Caracas, Venezuela: Litograf | [Contains music, including Peru's national anthem] | ||||||
20 | [Supplement]. (Informationszentrum f | 1967. | Katalog der Abteilung Noten. | Darmstadt, Germany: Das Institut, | IMD2=bio abbr | |||||
21 | ? | Te | 1960. | Cochabamba, Bolivia: | Biography, not a critique of his music. ?AUTHOR? | |||||
22 | Villa-Lobos, su obra. | 1971. | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Museu Villa-Lobos, | ?AUTHOR? | ||||||
23 | Abascual Brunet, Manuel | Pepe Vila: la zarzuela chica en Chile. | 1952. | Santiago, Chile: Imprent Universitaria, | About Jos | MI- [PN2494.V5,A2] EEM. UK-British Lib Wetherby. France-BnF, Institut des hautes | ||||
24 | Abreu de Sturla, Argentina. | Notas sobre la historia de la m | 1983. | Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: Taller, | 19p. | AZ-AZU; CA-CLU, STF; FL-FUG, FXG; IL-UIU; LA- [ML207.D6,A27,1983,LAL] LRU; MA-AUM; NY-NYP; TX-IXA. | ||||
25 | Academy of American Franciscan History. | Colonial Music in Colombia. | 1962. | Washington, DC: Academy of American Franciscan History, | CA- [ML234.S848] CLU. | |||||
26 | Acosta, Leonardo. | M | 1982. | Havana, Cuba: Editorial Arte y Literatura, | Review: Mar | Cuban edition: AZ-AZS; CA-CLU, CS1, CUT, CUY, STF; CO-COD; CT-WLU; DC-DLC; FL-FQG, FUG, FXG; GA-EMU, GUA; IL-IBV; IN-IND, IPL; KS-KKU; LA-LRU, LUU; MA-BRL, HLS; MI-EEM, EYM, Hathitrust Diital Lib; NC-NOC; NH-DRB; NJ-PUL; NY-BNG, COO, NYP; SYB, ZCU, ZYU; PA-LAF; PIT; WI-GZN; TX-IXA. PR-Univ of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras; NB-Univ of New Brunswick Fredericton; ON-CNMUL. UK-BLX, CUD, EQO, British Lib St. Pancras. Netherlands-Univ of Amsterdam. France-MQB. Spain-BNM, USAL. Germany-BSB, IAI, Univ of Giessen, City Lib & Univ of Hamburg. Taiwan-National Central Lib. Australia-Flinders Univ. Portuguese edition: DC-DLC; IL-INU, UIU; NY-NYP: RI-RBN; TN-TJC. | ||||
27 | Acquarone, Francisco [1898- ]. | Hist | 1948. | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: F. ALves, | 360p; ill., ports. Also published Rio de Janeiro: Ed. Paulo de Azevedo, 1946. | |||||
28 | Acu | Apuntes para una biograf | 1974. | Caracas, Venezuela: The Author, | Short (47p) biography. | DC-DGU, DLC; T -TJC; TX-IXA. UK-British Lib St, Pancras. | ||||
29 | Acu | Maestro Sojo: primer centenario del nacimiento, 8 de diciembre del 1887-8 de diciembre de 1987. | c 1985, 1987. | Caracas, Venezuela: Caracas Editorial Arte, | With Appendix, bib, facs, ill, ports, photos; 331p. | CT-CRY, YUS; DC-DLC; IL-UIU; IN-IUG; NH-DRB; NY-COO, NYP, ZCU; TX-IXA. | ||||
30 | Acu | Maestro Sojo: primer centenario del nacimiento, 8 de diciembre del 1887-8 de diciembre de 1987. | 1991. | Caracas, Venezuela: Pomaire, | With Appendix, bib, facs, ill, ports, photos; 331p. | CA-CLU; CT-YUS; IN-IUL. Ger-IAI. | ||||
31 | Adam J. | 'Rare Old Books in the Bishop's Library.' | Publications of the Historical Society of Southern California, Vol. 1 | (1897): | 154-56. | |||||
32 | Adevedo, M. G. | 1963. | M | Buenos Aires, Argentina: Ministerio de Educaci | No bib.; no index; paperback. | |||||
33 | Adler, Henry, and Humberto Morales. | Latin American Rhythm Instruments and How to Play Them. | 1950. | New York: Henry Adler Publishing Corporation, | 119; or music, ill. Also pub as How to Play Latin American Rhythm Instruments, New York: H. Adler, c1958. Also pub New York: San Juan Pub. Co., c1949; and New York: Kar-Val Publishing, 1949; and with a supplementary section by Ubaldo Nieto, Melville, NY: Belwin Mills, c 1966. | CA-CLU; IL-Eastern Illinoir Univ; PA-PIT. Australia-State Lib of Queensland. | ||||
34 | Adomian, Lan. | HET, v13,n2 | (4-6/1980): | 22-26. | ||||||
35 | Agea, Francisco. | 'Notas', Programa 12. | 1942, | p201-203. | Mexico City: Orquesta Sinf | About M. Ponce. | ||||
36 | Agrupaci | Encuentro de m | 1985. | Santiago de Chile: Agrupaci | 6p; program of concerts at the Sala of the Goethe-Institut, Santiago, Oct. 1, 3, & 5, 1985. | DC-DLC. | ||||
37 | Aguiar, Ernani, | International Choral Bulletin, 15/1, | (10/1998): | 7-8. | ||||||
38 | Aguirre Beltr | 'Bale de negros.' | HET, 3/17 | (3-4/1971): | 4-9, 18. | |||||
39 | Albuquerque, Anne E. | 'Teresa Carre | 1988. | D.M.A. Dissertation, University of Cincinatti (Ohio), | DA89008446; 90p, music; mss and microfilm. | CA-CLU; NY-NYP; OK-OKU; OH-CIN; WI-GZM. | ||||
40 | Alcar | Historia: periodo contempor | 1985. | Pt.1, v5. La M | Mexico City: Instito de Investigaciones Est | |||||
41 | Alcaraz, Jos | En una m | 1987. | No. 5, Coleccion Ensayos. | Mexico: CENIDIM, | ISBN 9682913225; 141p. | DC-(ML210.5.A43,1987) DLC, etc. | |||
42 | Alcaraz, Jos | La m | 1977. | Cuadernos de M | Mexico: Direcc | Disc., p58-61; review: IAMR, v1,n2 (S-S/'79), p235. | ||||
43 | Alcaraz, Jos | La obra de Jos | 1975. | Difusi | Mexico: Universidad Nacional Aut | |||||
44 | Alegr | 'Picture Window on the Arts - An Inter-American Seminar.' | IAMB, | n35. | ||||||
45 | Allende Goitia, No | Black Musi Research Journal, v26/n2 | (Sep 22, 2006): | 137- . | ||||||
46 | Almeida, Renato. | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Imprensa Nacional for Instituto Hist | IL-CGP; IN-IUL, IUG. ZZ-SIBI, UBA. | |||||||
47 | Almeida, Renato. | Compendio de hist | 1958. First ed., 1948. | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: F. Briguiet & Cia, | Port.; section on contemporary composers; orig ed: 183p, ill., ports., facsims. BioBib abbr CHB. | 1st ed: CA-CNO, CRU; CO-COD; CT-YUS; DC-DLC; IA-NUI; IL-CGU, IBV, INU, SOI, UIU; IN-[ML232 .A62 C6] IUL; KS-KKU; LA-LRU, Univ of Louisiana Lafayette; MA-HMU; MI-EYW; MO-WTU; NY-BUF, COO, NYP, ZCU; OR-OLP; PA-PIT, UPM; TX-IXA, IYU, TSW. UK-Cardiff Univ, Univ of St. Andrews. Germany-BSB, IAI, Univ of Hamburg. France-MQB, Bibliotheque du Musee de l | ||||
48 | Altamirano, Ignacio Manuel. | 'Melesio Morales.' | MusRevMex, v3, n1-10 | (1943). | ||||||
49 | Alvarado [Coronado], Manuel. | Los a | 2004. | Guatemala: Magna Terra Editores, | ISBN 999396932X 9789993969327; 222p, photos. | AZ-AZS; CA-CLU, CRU, CUY, STF, Univ of CA Northern Regional Lib Facility, Univ of CA San Diego; CT-YUS; DC-DLC; IL-UIU; KS-KKU; LA-LRU; MA-HLS; NY-NYP, ZCU; PA-PAU; TN-TJC; TX-IXA; UT-UBY. Germany-BSB, IAI. | ||||
50 | Alvarenga, Oneyda. | 'Pequena contribu | BLAM, v4 | (10/1938): | 267-78. | Disc. p267-78. |
Library Info: