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Explanation of fields
- Author: enter entire name or partial name (generally surname first and given name following (no comma when searching). The order of parental names may vary, so partial names might be more productive.
- Article: enter title, partial title, or word in the title.
- Book: enter title, partial title, or word in the title.
- Series: enter title, partial title, or word in the title.
- Publisher: enter name or partial name of the company or agency.
- Information: enter a word that might indicate the subject of the article (for instance, history) or a name (perhaps Villa-Lobos). Not every entry is annotated.
The following fields will appear as part of your search results, but they contain primarily abbreviations, and are not practical for quick searches. As a result, they are not currently included in the search form.
- Journal: at this time, this field is not searchable because most journal names are abbreviated. Full names are available in the Periodicals Database. In time, this field will de-coded for easy access.
- Date
- Library: list of the libraries that have the book or journal and have filed that information with OCLC (WorldCat).
ID | Author | Article | Book | Journal | Series | Publisher | Date | Info | Library Info | Abbreviation |
1 | Gandelman, Solomea | 35 Compositores brasileiras: Obras. | BRZ: dist Musimed. | 36BC | ||||||
2 | American Composers Alliance Bulletin, v1- . | New York: Amerian Composers Alliance, | 1951-. | Quarterly. | ACA#[volume] | |||||
3 | Barbacci, Rodolfo. | Apuntes para un diccionario biográfico musical peruano, | Fénix [Revista de la Biblioteca Nacional], v6, | Lima, Peru: Biblioteca Nacional. | 1949 | ADBM | ||||
4 | Adevedo, M. G. | Música argentina contemporánea. | Biblioteca del Sesquicentenario. Ediciones culturales argentinas. | Buenos Aires: Ministerio de Educación y Justica, Dirección General de Cultura. | 1963. | Ad.MAC, or MusArgCont | ||||
5 | McNamara, Daniel, gen ed. | ASCAP Biographical Dictionary on Composers, Authors, and Publishers, 2nd ed. | New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co., | 1952. | AS52 | |||||
6 | Catell Press, Jacques, comp. | ASCAP Biographical Dictionary of Composers, Authors, and Publishers, 4th ed. | New York: Bowker, | 1980. | AS80 | |||||
7 | American Society of University Composers | New York: Colombia University, | 1966, 1967, 1968 1969. | Published in proceedings of annual conferences. Available from Dept. of Music, Dodge Hall, Colombia University, New York, NY, 10027. | ASUC+66, 67, 68, or 69 | |||||
8 | Baker, Theodore, ed. | Baker’s Biographical Dictionary of Musicians, 4th, 5th, 1971 [Supplement], Addenda and corrigenda to the 1971 Supplement, 7th rev ed, 8th rev ed, | Baker’s Biographical Dictionary of Musicians. | New York: G. Schirmer, | 1956, 1966, 1971, 1971ad, 1984, and 1992. | BB+56, 66, 71, etc. | ||||
9 | Slonimsky, Nicolas, Emeritus ed, et al. | Baker’s Biographical Dictionary of Musicians, Enlarged 8th ed. | Baker’s Biographical Dictionary of Musicians. | New York: G. Schirmer, | 2001. | BB01 | ||||
10 | Dominguez, Franklin. | Biografía de los compositores dominicanos, | Revista de educación, v29,n1: | Santo Domingo, DR: Secretaría de Estado de Educación y Bellas Artes, | Jan-Apr 1959: p 38-85. | BCD | ||||
11 | Schafer, Murray. | British Composers in Interview | London: Faber & Faber, | 1963. | Contains rarely-found informaion. | BCI | ||||
12 | Salgado, Susana. | Breve historia de la música culta en el Uruguay. | Montevideo, URG: A. Monteverde y Cia., S.A., | 1980. | BHMCU | |||||
13 | Pereira Salas, Eugenio. | Biobibliografía musical de Chile desde los origenes a 1886. | Series de monografías anexas a los Anales de la Universidad de Chile. | Santiago de Chile: Edidiones de la Universidad de Chile, | 1978. | Contains music, ill., index of persons cited, etc. | Lib: MI- (ML106.C48 P5) EEM; etc. | BMC | ||
14 | Sosa, Francisco. | Biografías de mexicanos distinguidos. | MEX: Oficina Tipográfica de la Sección de Fomento, | 1884. | Composers: L. Baca, J. Beristain, J. M. Bustamente, J. M. Carrasco, M. J, Cepeda y Cosio, M. Elizaga, A. Gómez. | BMD | ||||
15 | [name of composer]. | series of pamphlets about one composer] | New York: Broadcast Music, Inc., | various dates. | BMI. | |||||
16 | Ca.HMV, see HMV | |||||||||
17 | Senillosa, Mabel | Compositores argentinos. | Buenos Aires: Carlos Lottermoser, S.R.L., | 1956. | ||||||
18 | Anderson, E. Ruth, compiler. | Contemporary American Composers. | Boston: G. K. Hall & Co., | 1976. | Includes Latin American-born composers living in the United States. | CAC | ||||
19 | Schiuma, Oreste. | Cien años de música argentina. | Buenos Aires, ARG: Asociación Cristiana de Jóvenes, | 1956. | Short biographies of 500 national musicians; 379p. | CAM | ||||
20 | Universidad Nacional de Rosario. | 100 años de música rosarina. | Rosario, ARG: Universidad Nacional de Rosario, | 1991. | ||||||
21 | Messmer, Peter Vásquez. | Compositores bolivianos. | La Paz, BOL: sn, | 1975. | 96p. | Lib: CA-CLU,CUI; CT-YUS; DC-DLC; FL-FUG; GA-GUA; IL-UIU; NC-NOC; NM-IQU; NY-COO; OH-CWR,OBM; PA-TEU; TX-TSW. | CB | |||
22 | Orta Velázquez, Guillermo. | 100 [Cien] biografías en la música, 3o ed. | MEX: Editorial Olimpo, | 1963. | CBM | |||||
23 | Moura Ferreira, Paulo Alfonso de. | Compositores brasileiros. | Brasilia, BRZ: Ministério das Relaçãoes Exteriores, Departamento de Cooperação Cultural, Cientifica e Tecnológica, | 1975-1979. | Information on cover: colaboração Biblioteca Documentação Musical), Escola de Comunicaçãoes e Artes, Universidade de São Paulo, & Sociedade Brasileira de Música Contemporânea. Forty catalogs of 20th century composers’ with lists of works, biographies, bibliograpies and discographies. | Lib: IN-IUL. | CBRZ | |||
24 | Zapata Cuéncar, Heriberto. | Compositores colombianos. | Medellín, COL: Editorial Carpel, | 1962. | 380p, ports. | Lib: CA-CLU,CUY; FL-FDA,FXG; GA-GUA; MA-MBB; MI-EEM; MN-MNU; NY-VXW; OH-OSU; PA-PIT; TN-TJC; TX-IXA,RQL. | CC | |||
25 | Sider, Ronald R. | Contemporary Composers in Costa Rica, | Latin American Music Review, v5,n2 | (Fall-Winter 1984): p263-76. | Updates his 1967 dissertation and includes catalogs of Bernal Flores & B. Gutiérrez. | CCCR | ||||
26 | Young, Percy M. | A Critical Dictionary of Composers and Their Music. | London, UK: Dennis Dobson Ltd., | 1954. | CDC | |||||
27 | Centro de Estudios Musicales Argentino Uruguayo (CEMAU). | Músicos de aquí, v3 & 4 | Montevideo, URG: CEMAU, | 1997, | CEMAU | |||||
28 | Zapata Cuéncar, Heriberto. | Compositores antioqueños. | Medellín, COL: Editiorial Granamérica, | 1973. | Biographies of Colombian composers; 130p, ports. | Lib: AZ-AZU; CA-CLU,CUI,CUY; FL-DMZ,FQG,FUG; IL-UIU; MA-AUM; NM-IQU; NY-COO,NYP; TX-IXA,RQL. | ||||
29 | ||||||||||
30 | Brasil. Ministerio das Relações Exteriores. | Compositores brasileiras. | Rio de Janeiro, BRZ: Ministério das Relações Exteriores, Departamento de Cooperação Cultural Cientifica e Tecnologica, | 1976-1979. | Catalogs for thirty 20th century Brazilian composers. | CompBrz | ||||
31 | Alvarez Coral, Juan. | Compositores mexicanos: 32 biografías ilustradas, 1o ed. Investigación patrocinadad por la Sociedad de Autores y Compositores de Música, S. de A. | Mexico: Editores Asociados M., S. A.k, | 1971. | Biographies with portraits, and accurate dates, porta, bib, discog. | CM+year | ||||
32 | Merino Montero, Luis. | Cinco efemérides de la creación musical chilena, | Revista Musical Chilena, v41,n167 | (Jan-Jun/1987): 44-46. | CECMC | |||||
33 | Almeida, Renato. | Compendio de história da música brasileira. | Rio de Janeiro, BRZ: F. Briguiet e Compania, | 1958. | CHB | |||||
34 | Zapata Cuéncar, Heriberto. | Compositores antioqueños. | Medellín, COL: Editorial Granamérica, | 1975. | Biographies of Colombian composers, 130p, ports., ill. | Lib: AZ-AZU; CA-CLU,CUI,CUY; FL-DMZ,FQG,FUG; IL-UIU; MA-AUM; NM-IQU; NY-COO,NYP; TX-IXA,RQL. | CompAnt | |||
35 | ||||||||||
36 | Alvarez Coral, Juan. | Compositores mexicanos: 32 biografías ilustradas, 1o ed. Investigación patrocinada por la Sociedad de Autores y Compositores de Música, S. de A. | Mexico: Editores Asociados M., S. A., | 1971. 4th ed, 1986. 5th ed, 1987. 6th ed. 1993. | Biographies with accurate dates, ports., bib, disc. | Llib: AZ-AZS,AZT,AZU,MCP,MSA,NSZ; CA-[many];CT-YUU; DC-DLC; FL-FDA; IL-CGP,IBE,INY,UIU; IN-IMD,IND; KS-KKU; KY-KTS; LA-LRU; MA-AUM,HMU,SNN; MI-EEM,EYP,EYW; MN-MNU; NJ-NCL; NM-IQU,NMH; NY-NYP,VDB,VYL; OH-OSU; PA-EIB,LAF,TEU; TX-HDL,IGA,IXA,RQL,SAP,TNY,TS | CM+year | |||
37 | Pinilla Aguilar, José I. | Cultores de la música colobiana. | Bogotá, COL: Editorial Ariana, | 1980. | CMC | |||||
38 | Restrepo Duque, Hernán. | Las cien mejores canciones colombianas y sus autores. | CMCC. | |||||||
39 | Olivenci de Lacourt, Ana María. | La creación musical en Mendoza, 1940-1980. | Post-doctoral paper, Escuela de Música, Facultad de Artes, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo [ARG]. | [1985?] | CMM | |||||
40 | Montevideo, URG. Biblioteca del Poder Legislativo. | Compositores musicales uruguayos. | Montevideo, URG: La Sección Identificación de Autores, | [1977.] | 34p. | Lib: CA-CRU; DC-DLC; FL-FUG; NY-SYB. | CMU | |||
41 | Zapata Cuéncxar, Heriberto. | Compositores nariñenses. | Medellín, COL: Impreso en Editorial Granamérica, | 1973. | Biographical information about Colombian composers; 41p, ill., bib. | Lib: CA-CUY; FL-FQG,FUG; NY-COO,NYP; TX-IXA,RQL,TSW. | CN | |||
42 | Véjar Pérez Rubio, Carlos, and Kaarina Véjar Amarillas. | Contrapuntos: Colegio de Compositores Latinoamericanos de Música de Arte, su nacimiento, 1o ed. | MEX: Archipelago, | 2000. | Biographies and lists of works of the founding members of the organization | Contrapuntos | ||||
43 | Ewen, David. | Composers of Today, 2nd ed. | New York: H. W. Wilson Co., | 1936. | COT or Ew.CT | |||||
44 | Degláns, Kerlinda, and Luis E. Pabón Roca. | Catálogo de música clásica comtemporánea de Puerto Rico. | Rio Piedras, PR: Pro-Arte contemporáneo, | 1989. | CPR | |||||
45 | Ewen, David. | Composers Since 1900. | New York: H. H. Wilson, | 1963. | CSN | |||||
46 | Ewen, David. | Composers Since 1900. Supplement. | New York: H. H. Wilson, | 1981. | CSNS | |||||
47 | Ewen, David. | Composers Since 1900. 2nd Supplement. | New York: H. H. Wilson, | 1990. | CSNSS | |||||
48 | Pan American Union. | Composers of the Americas, v1-17. | Washington, CD: Music Division, Pan American Union (Organization of American States), | 1955-1983. | Series of volumes from about 100-165 p each, in Spanish and English, containing biographies and catalogs, some ports. and/or facsims. | Lib: AL-AAA,ANO; AR-AFU; AZ-AIM,AZS,AZU; CA-CEV,CFI,CFS,CLO,CLU,CRP,CSL,CSO,CUS,CUT,CZP,LLU,LMR,JQA,JRN,LPU,SDG,SJP; CO-COD,COV; DC-DCU; DE-DLM; GA-GSU,GYG; HI-HUH; IA-IOC; IL-IAI,IAO,ICW,JNA; IN-IMD; KS-KCK,KKS;KY-KMM,KMS; LA-LLM;MA-AUM,BOS,MBB,SNN,WEL; | CTA+v, or LACC | |||
49 | Elkan-Vogel Co. | Six Modern Cuban Composers. | Philadelphia: Elkan-Vogel Co., | 1955. | Solo piano music with biographies of composers. | Lib: CA-CLU,CSA,CUY; CO-COV; CT-YUU; IN-IUG,IUL; LA-LRU;MO-SVP; NY-RER,RES; OH-OBE,WOO; PA-PBU,PLF; TX-IXA,TWC; WI-GZD. | Cub.6MCC | |||
50 | Barbacci, Rodolfo, | Apuntes para un diccionario biográfico musical peruano, | Revista de la Biblioteca Nacional [Lima, PERU], v6 | 1949. | DBMP. |
Library Info: