Notes on searching
This search will not correct for spelling errors.
Enter your search terms in only one or two fields. If you enter search terms in more than one field, any results you get will have to match what you entered in all of those fields. Be as accurate as possible in your spellings, Do not include any punctuation or quotation marks in your entries. If you get no results, reduce the number of fields in which you search.
Explanation of fields
- Surname: enter a surname or part of one.
- Given Name: enter a given name or part of one.
- Institution: enter part of a name of a choir, ensemble, educational institution or organization.
- City and State: enter the name of a city or state (use postal abbreviations if in the USA).
- ZIP/Postal Code and Country: enter the name of a country, or part of the name; or enter USA.
- Category: enter “choir”, “director”, “conductor”, “musician”, “composer”, “contact”, “scholar”, “organization”, “educator”, “school”, “center”, “festival”, or “ethno” (for ethnomusicologist).
The following fields will appear as part of your search results, but they contain primarily abbreviations, and are not practical for quick searches. As a result, they are not currently included in the search form.
- Position
- Title
- Street Address
- Phone
- Other Phone
- Website
- Note
ID | Surname | First Name | Position | Institution | Street Address | City State | ZIP Country | Phone | Other Phone | Website | Note | Category | Title |
1 | Center for Latin American Studies | University of Kansas | 1440 Jayhawk Blvd., Suite 320 | Lawrence, KS | 66045-7574, USA | (785) 864-421 | Fax: (785) 864-3800 | edu/ctr | |||||
2 | Listening library - different hours | Northwestern University-Music Library | Evanston, IL | USA | 847-491-7658 (main lib) | different hours from University6 | lib/edu | ||||||
3 | Westminster Choir College | 101 Walnut Lane | Princeton, NJ | 08540-3899, USA | 609-921-7100 | fax 609-921-8829 | P.O. 347, Windsor, NJ, 08561-0347 | lib/edu | Ms. | ||||
4 | Schola Cantorum de México | Tel/fax: 5532 0028 (10:00-14:00 hrs, 16:00-19:00 hrs) | choirs: INICIACIÓN CORAL PARA NIÑOS (6-8 años)CORO DE NIÑOS (Grupo principal, 9-13 años)CORO DE NIÑOS (Nuevo grupo piloto para niños varones, 7-10 años)CORO JUVENIL (14-24 años)CORO DE ADULTOS (De 25 años en adelante) | choir | |||||||||
5 | Desierto | women’s ensemble | choir | ||||||||||
6 | Cantabile [El Grupo Vocal] | choir | |||||||||||
7 | Kanta Cantemus Coroa. Coro Femenino del País Vasco | choir | |||||||||||
8 | Coro de Cámara Amadeus (Huelva ) | choir | |||||||||||
9 | Coro de Profesores de Calbuco | choir/edu | |||||||||||
10 | Coro Universitario de Mendoza | Lavalle 373 - (5500) | Mendoza | ARGENTINA | +54 261 4230107 | Fax: +54 261 4257285 | festival: 2º CONCURSO INTERNACIONAL DE COROS 'FELIPE VALLESI'- AMICUM-30 de noviembre de2001 | choir/edu | |||||
11 | Madryn Canto Novena Edición | PUERTO MADRYN | ARGENTINA | 2 AL 9 DE FEBRERO DE 2002 | fest | ||||||||
12 | Actualidad, Coral Elifio Rosaenz | Mendoza | ARGENTINA | choir | |||||||||
13 | Coral Amistad | ECUADOR | choir | ||||||||||
14 | Coro Gerardo Guevara | ECUADOR | choir | ||||||||||
15 | Coro Fuyinki | PERU | choir | ||||||||||
16 | Coro del Barro | ECUADOR | choir | ||||||||||
17 | Coro Liceo Internacional de Quito | Quito | ECUADOR | choir | |||||||||
18 | Coro Colegio Einstein or Eistein? | ECUADOR | choir/edu | ||||||||||
19 | Coro Niños de Ambato | ECUADOR | choir | ||||||||||
20 | Coro Centro de Arte | ECUADOR | choir? | ||||||||||
21 | Vox Intra | ARGENTINA | 4-583-5057/ 15-4-165-9124 | choir | |||||||||
22 | Grupo Folclórico RV | BRAZIL | choir | ||||||||||
23 | Coros del Perú | contact | org? | ||||||||||
24 | Universidade Federal de Alagoas - UFAL | Maceió, Estado de Alagoas | BRAZIL | Paulo Fernando Vilela, contact for Encorama festival, Sept 2002,; 82 -223.8426 -223.8525. | edu/fest | ||||||||
25 | Coro de Club del Arte | Club del Arte 4541 4198, o conValeria al 4572 5428 | choir | ||||||||||
26 | Coral Francisco Vallejos (Torrevieja Alicante) | SPAIN | 17th festival, 24-27 Apr 2003 | choir | |||||||||
27 | Coral Francisco Guerrero | Toledo | ARGENTINA | choir | |||||||||
28 | Schola Cantorum de Puerto Rico, Inc. | Apartado 21663 | San Juan, PR 00931 | PUERTO RICO | 1-787-7589014 | fax same | choir | ||||||
29 | Canturia del Golfo 2002. | Balneario Las Grutas (on the coast of Golfo San Matías), Río Neg | BRAZIL | 9-11 Feb. 2002; for information, write Dirección General de Cultura de Río Negro, Gallardo 252, 8500 Viedma; Fax 02920 427672 o al e-mail , website . | fest | ||||||||
30 | Fundación 'Vinicio Adames' | Sur 27. Nº 15. Bulevar Amador Bendayán | Los Caobos, Caracas | VENEZUELA C.P. 1010 | +58-572.2708. | fax +58-577.2465 | org/fest | ||||||
31 | Encuentro Nacional de Jóvenes Coruetas (ENJC) | Washington 2653 | 1430 Buenos Aires | ARGENTINA | fax 011-4541-3121 | 13-15 Sep ‘02, for ages 18-24 , in city of Resistencia, Chaco? | fest | ||||||
32 | I Festival Internacional de Coros de Guayana & II Taller Nacional para Directores & Choirs | Guayana | VENEZUELA | or the foundation <espanol.geociti | 1-8 Jul ‘02, music of BRZ, VEN, & Caribbean; invited choirs Schola Cantorum de Caracas, la Camerata Barroca de Caracas, el Coro Polifónico Rafael Suáre, el Grupo Vocal Hexacorde, Ensamble Vocal Masculino Jazzmen. | fest | |||||||
33 | Camerata Barroca de Caracas | choir | |||||||||||
34 | Coro Polifónico Rafael Suárez | VEN? | ; < | invited to I FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE COROS DE GUAYANA Y EL II TALLER NACIONAL PARADIRECTORES Y COROS (2002 ciudad Guayana, VEN, website: | choir | ||||||||
35 | Grupo Vocal Hexacorde | invited to I FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE COROS DE GUAYANA Y EL II TALLER NACIONAL PARADIRECTORES Y COROS (2002 ciudad Guayana, VEN, website: | choir | ||||||||||
36 | Ensamble Vocal Masculino Jazzmen | invited to I FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE COROS DE GUAYANA Y EL II TALLER NACIONAL PARADIRECTORES Y COROS (2002 ciudad Guayana, VEN, website: | choir | ||||||||||
37 | Polyphonic Choir of Guantánamo | CUBA | choir | ||||||||||
38 | Sampling (vocal ensemble) | Havana | CUBA | male quintet, popular music | choir | ||||||||
39 | Cultura Senado | ARGENTINA | org/gov | ||||||||||
40 | Soledad_Domínguez_(MusiKas)' | choir? | |||||||||||
41 | SOLMU@LATINMAIL.C' | choir? | |||||||||||
42 | tutta un'altra musica | org | |||||||||||
43 | FM Universo | radio | |||||||||||
44 | FM Radio Uno | radio | |||||||||||
45 | Eurynome (por Ufa) | ? | |||||||||||
46 | Grupo Buena Yunta | choir | |||||||||||
47 | Coro Gratuito de Tigre | 4748-7397 | Repertorio amplio. | choir | |||||||||
48 | Coro mixto de Palermo | 4832-3559 | choir | ||||||||||
49 | Coral Escolanía de Cali | Cali | COLOMBIA | choir | |||||||||
50 | Instituto Cultural Banco de Desenvolvimento de Minas Gerais (BDMG) | Rua da Bahia, 1600; Térreo - CEP: 30160-907 | Belho Horizonte | BRAZIL | (031) 3219-8382, 3219-8320, 3219-8384, 3219-8599, 3219-8691, 321 | fax (031) 3219-8519 | org/gov |
First Name:
Street Address:
City State:
ZIP Country:
Other Phone: