Index Search


  • Use the filter fields above the table to filter for particular results. The filters are an AND search.
    Example: If you enter Mexico in the Country filter and Martinez in the Composer filter, you will see results for all records from Mexico where the composer’s name contains Martinez.
  • As you type in any of the filter boxes, the results table will automatically update and show you matching records. You don’t have to click any search button.
  • To view all detail for a particular record, simply click on it. This will open a pop-up window that shows all information for that entry.
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Notes on the Index

This search will not correct for spelling errors. 

Enter your search terms in only one or two fields. If you enter search terms in more than one field, any results you get will have to match what you entered in all of those fields. Be as accurate as possible in your spellings, Do not include any punctuation or quotation marks in your entries. If you get no results, reduce the number of fields in which you search.

Explanation of fields
  • Century: enter 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, whenever the composer lived.
  • Country: enter the first three letters of most of the countries, except: BRZ for Brazil, URG for Uruguay, ElS for El Salvador, or DR for Dominican Republic.
  • Composer: enter last name then first name, without a comma between them (ex. Villa-Lobos Heitor), or any part of the name (the last name would give you the most likely answers). Do not use accents or other marks (ç, ñ).
  • Title: enter an entire title or part of title.
  • Voices: enter mixed, SATB, women, SSA, men, children, or any other voicing you want; you may also enter arr (for arrangement) before the voicing, and/or ac (for a cappella) after the voicing; sometimes just vv (= voices) is the only information in the field.
  • Solos: enter a voice part (S Mz A T Bar B), or narr (=narrator), or dancer.
  • Instruments: enter instr for instrument, ens for ensemble, orch for orchestra, brass for brass ensemble, str for string ensemble, band or any of the listed abbreviations for individual instruments
    • flute = fl
    • piccolo = pic
    • oboe = ob
    • clarinet = cl, bass clarinet = bcl
    • saxophone = sax
    • bassoon = fg, contrabassoon = cfg
    • trumpet = tr
    • trombone = tb
    • tuba = tba
    • piano = pf or piano
    • keyboard = kybd
    • harpsichord = hpsd
    • percussion = pc or perc
    • guitar = gui
    • xylophone = xyl
    • basso continuo = bcont
    • continuo = cont
    • violin = vl
    • viola = va
    • violincello = vc
    • contrabass = cb
  • Text: enter the author’s first and/or last (in that order, without a comma between); or Bible; or the language abbreviation. The text is assumed to be Spanish unless otherwise noted in the field, so do not enter Sp (=Spanish). If there is a singable translation, it will be noted in this field).
    Port = Portuguese
    Eng = English
    Lat = Latin
    Fr = French
    Ger = German
  • Season: also includes themes, Xmas (= Christmas), Lent, and Easter. This information is often not available for entries, so your search will not include every piece that for a particular theme or season. Your results will only be a partial list of what you are looking for.

The following fields will appear as part of your search results, but they contain primarily abbreviations, and are not practical for quick searches. As a result, they are not currently included in the search form.

  • Publisher: enter one of the abbreviations of the publishers listed in the Publishers database. General abbreviations are np (not published), per(periodical), anth (anthology), and coll (collection).
  • Recording: enter one of the abbreviations in the Discography database.
  • Opus Information: this field contains a wide variety of descriptive material, including a season, holiday, commission, year of composition, mood, theme, etc.


Search Filters


ID Century Nation Dates Composer Title Choir Solos Instruments Text Season Duration Publisher Recording Library Info Opus Info Composer Head Bio Info Style Works Ref_Bio Own
4 20 -21 PAN b 1974 Robles, Samuel, b 1974, PAN:as percussionist,teacher, fiction writer, conductor.
6 20 ARG 1921-1992 Adiós nonino: arr men; Eladia Blazques? secular; 4:11; OCTWM; GDD; CNM.DCA; tango; arr Roberto Goldar. Piazzolla, Astor Pantaleón, 1921-1992, ARG: bandonion player; b 11 Mar, Mar del Plata; d 5 Jul, Buenos Aires; educated in New York City, USA, teacher Bela Wilde; returned 1940; teachers A. Ginastera, Raúl Spivak, & Nadia Boulanger; prominent in “Nuevo Tango” movement; orch, chamber, jazz, popular.
7 20 ARG b 1916, op 1980 ????????? Quiero dormir esta noche: men TTBB ac; 45p; anthology Arg.REM;
8 20 - 21 BRZ 1919-1982 Xaxado: arr SATB mixed; Port; 2:15; CIMS; composers Luis Gonzaga & Hervê Cordovil; xaxado is a popular dance. b Alagoa Grande in Paraíba; worked in bands; move to Recife, Pernambuco, 1948; worked in Radio, recorded; moved to Rio de Janeiro; over 137 records;
9 AAAA_LACC done
10 AAAA- LACC done
11 AAAA-entered LACC bio refs - need to decode
12 AAAA-LACC done through Calcaño, José Antonio
13 20 ARG Abadi Sami Abadi, Sami, b 1965, ARG: b Buenos Aires; instrumentalist; electronic instruments & processing. avant-garde; includes music for film; ref: site.
14 20? ARG Abalos, Adolfo Pintao, El (O Gato): arr choir; composer; secular; 2:06 - 2:18; gato from Argentina, arr Chango Farias Gómez; choral arr Oscar Escalada. Ábalos, Adolfo, 20C, ARG: leader, composer, & pianist of the folk group Los Hermanos Ábalos; other brothers: guitarist Marcelo Raúl “Machaco,” 1923-2000; percussionist Napoleón Benjamín “Machingo” 1913-2004; storyteller Roberto; and dancer Victor Manuel “Vitillo,” b 1922; ref: site.
15 20 ARG Abalos, Adolfo, & Hnos Diaz Pintão, El (O Gato): arr choir; composer; secular; GCC.FP, MFA, OE.CNM; gato from Argentina, arr Eduardo Correa.
16 20 ARG fl ca 1939-2000 Abalos, Hnos. Nostalgias santiagueñas: arr choir; composer; secular; 4:00 - 4:06; GCC.FP, MFA; zamba; arr Eduardo Ferraudi. Ábalos, Hnos, fl ca 1939-2000, ARG: member of folk music vocal/instrumental group Los Hermanos Ábalos. own CD
17 20 ARG b 1922 Abalos, Victor Manuel, “Vitillo” Ábalos, Victor Manuel “Vitillo,” b 1922, ARG: one of the folk group Los Hermanos Abalos. ref: .
18 20 PERU 1923-2017 Abanto Morales, Luis Quiéreme: arr SATB mixed; secular; RMPeru; arr Francisco Bernardo Pulgar-Vidal. Abanto Morales, Luis, 1923-2017, PERU: singer; b Trujillo; lives in Lima; popular songs.
19 20 PERU b 1923 Abanto Morales, Luis Temas peruanos: arr SATB mixed; secular; arr Ramiro Soriano Arce.
20 19 - 20 VEN 1870-1938 Abarca, Angel Maria Abarca, Angel María, 1870-1938, VEN: publisher PDECP. own (pf ops at IN-IUG.)
21 19 GUA, ELS Aberle, Juan Salvadoran National Anthem. Aberle, Juan, b 19C, ITALY, GUA, ELS: b 19C, Italy; lived in GUA, then ElS; bio: DMA, LACC, MLA.
22 20 - 21? ARG? Abito, Isaco Abito, Isaco, 20 - 21C, ARG?
23 20 - 21 ARG b 1975 Abras, Juan Manuel In Purgatorium (De profundis): 4 parts; ensemble (perc; str orch). Latin; sacred; Abras, Juan Manuel, b 1975, ARG: orchestra conductor; ref: .
24 20 - 21 ARG b 1975 Abras, Juan Manuel Muchos rostros, una Madre: 4 parts; solos; small orch (horn; harp; str).
25 20 - 21 ARG b 1975 Abras, Juan Manuel Mundame (Miserere): 4 parts; Psalm 50 (Latin); sacred.
26 20 - 21 ARG b 1975 Abras, Juan Manuel Pentecostés (Veni Sancte Spiritus): 4 parts; elec tape;; Latin; sacred. Penetecost, sacred;
27 20 - 21 ARG b 1975 Abras, Juan Manuel Pésame (Actus contritionis): 4 parts; narrator; ensemble (perc, piano, elec tape; cb). Latin; sacred;
28 20 BRZ b 1948 Abreu (Rebello), Sergio Abreu (Rebello), Sérgio, b 1948, BRZ: guitarist; brother of Eduardo, and grandson of Antonio Rebello; bio: BB2001, LACC.
29 20 BRZ b 1949 Abreu, Eduardo Abreu, Eduardo, b 1948, BRZ: guitarist; brother of Sérgio, and grandson of Antonio Rebello; bio: LACC.
30 20 VEN 1939-2018 Abreu, Jose Antonio Madrigal: SATB mixed; Enrique Planchart; secular; 6p; anthology MCC.MCV6, p17; FSCC; movable C clefs for SAT. Abreu, José Antonio, 1939-2008, VEN: conductor, organist, harpsichordist; educated in Valera, then Caracas; teacher V.E. Sojo; founded El Sistema for choirs and orchestras, all over Venezuela, serves about 500,000 youth in 2018, emphasizes classical music; taught economics; Minister of Culture, director of CONAC (National Council of Culture); bio: BB, CTA14, LACC.
31 20 VEN b 1939 Abreu, Jose Antonio Sol que das vida a los trigos: SATB mixed; Manuel Felipe Rugeles; secular; 2p; FSSC; UDOCM.
32 20 VEN b 1939 Abreu, Jose Antonio Tríptco: SATB mixed; collegium Musicum de VEN (library IN-IUG).
33 20 CUBA, USA b after 1960 Abril, Carlos Mambí, El: arr SAB; solo; ensemble (flute perc, piano);; secular; 10p; WLP #VTS39, Eng translation, program notes, pronunciation guide; criolla, composer Luis Casas Romero & Sergio Lavilla. Abril, Carlos, b after 1960, CUBA, USA: educator; b ca 1960; musical family; fled Castro; kept Hispanic culture. score
34 20 CUBA, USA b ca 1960 Abril, Carlos Ogguere: arr Unison ensemble (fl or recorder, piano, opt Orff instr);; WLP #VTS40, Englaish translation, program notes, pronunciation guide; composer Gilberto Valdés; Afro-Cuban cradle song (cancion de cuna or nana); celebrates birth of Yoruba prince’s son; most Cuban slaves were Yoruba. score
35 20 CUBA, USA Abril, Carlos Uno, dos y tres; arr 2 parts; solo; ensemble (flute, perc, piano);; secular; 10p; World Music Press VTS#45; alternate title: ‘a lively cuban conga,’ composer Rafael Ortiz.
36 20 - 21 BRZ? 1939-2011 Acacio Santana, Jose Eu quero apenas: arr choir; . Acácio Santana, José, 1939-2011, BRZ? b São Pedro de Alcântara; Santa Catarina; educator, poet, conductor Coral de Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; teachers F. Franceschini, Rodrigo Hermann, José Penalva & Joanídia Sodré; also studied in Cologne; Lutheran; ardent proponent of choral singing; prolific composer of anthems, children’s songs, oratorio, opera.
37 19 - 20 CHI 1896-1951 Acevedo Guajardo, Remigio [Jr.] Bernardo O’Higgins: choir; orch;; secular; 1950. Acevedo Guajardo, Remigio [Jr.], 1896-1951, CHI: educator; b 2 Apr, d 5 Jun, Santiago; educated at Conservatorio Nacional; Nationallistic; bio: DMEH.
38 19 - 20 CHI 1896-1951 Acevedo Guajardo, Remigio [Jr.] Meciendo: choir; orch;; 1945.
39 19 - 20 CHI 1896-1951 Acevedo Guajardo, Remigio [Jr.] Nguillatún: choir; orch;; 1924.
40 19 - 20 CHI 1896-1951 Acevedo Guajardo, Remigio [Jr.] Thamar: choir; orch.
41 19 - 20 CHI 1863-1911 Acevedo Guajardo, Remigio [Sr.] Salve Regina: choir. Latin; sacred. Acevedo Guajardo, Remigio [Sr.], 1863-1911, CHI. or Adevedo; organist, conductor; d 29 May; educated at Conservatorio Nacional de Chile and in Milan, IT, age 39; organist at churches in Santiago; works: sacred choral, orch, organ, opera; piano work Minueto [op30] publisher Casa Amarilla, Santiago,1930, Series: Ediciones primavera; bio: DMEH, HMC, LACC, MMLA.
42 19 - 20 CHI 1863-1911 Acevedo Guajardo, Remigio [Sr.] Tantum ergo: choir; Latin; sacred;
43 19 - 20 CHI 1863-1911 Acevedo Guajardo, Remigio [Sr.] Te Deum: choir; Latin; sacred;
44 20 - 21 CR b 1943 Acevedo, Jorge L. Arrullo: 3 parts ac; anthology Ac.AMG, p35; 1981. Acevedo [Vargas], Jorge Luis, b 1943, CR: b 24 Aug, San José; educated at Universidad de CR, and France (Escola Normal Paris, ethnomusicology at Sorbonne) and choral conducting at Universidad Católica; Professor at Univesity of Costa Rica; works: opera, orch, chamber, choir, voice; bio: DMEH, FCC.MC.
45 20 - 21 CR b 1943 Acevedo, Jorge L. Cachito, El: 3 parts; piano;; secular; anthology Ac.AMG, p26; 1981.
46 20 - 21 CR b 1943 Acevedo, Jorge L. Callejera: 2 parts ac; anthology Ac.AMG, p37; 1981.
47 20 - 21 CR b 1943 Acevedo, Jorge L. Campesino: SATB mixed; piano;; secular; anthology Ac.AMG, p29.
48 20 - 21 CR b 1943 Acevedo, Jorge L. Canto Indio 2-4-5: SATB mixed; secular; 6p; np.
49 20 - 21 CR b 1943 Acevedo, Jorge L. Canto Indio: 2 parts ac; secular; anthology Ac.AMG, p32.
50 20 - 21 CR b 1943 Acevedo, Jorge L. Conejo: 2 parts ac; anthology Ac.AMG, p48.