Music Publishers Search


  • Use the filter fields above the table to filter for particular results. The filters are an AND search.
    Example: If you enter Mexico in the Country filter and Martinez in the Composer filter, you will see results for all records from Mexico where the composer’s name contains Martinez.
  • As you type in any of the filter boxes, the results table will automatically update and show you matching records. You don’t have to click any search button.
  • To view all detail for a particular record, simply click on it. This will open a pop-up window that shows all information for that entry.
  • To see additional pages of results, use the page navigation right below the table. 
  • If you are using a phone or tablet, you should view this page in landscape mode. 

Notes on searching

This search will not correct for spelling errors.

Enter your search terms in only one or two fields. If you enter search terms in more than one field, any results you get will have to match what you entered in all of those fields. Be as accurate as possible in your spellings, Do not include any punctuation or quotation marks in your entries. If you get no results, reduce the number of fields in which you search.

Explanation of fields
  • Abbreviation: in the index the names of publishers for each composition are abbreviated to save space. Enter the abbreviation for a particular work in this field and you will find the full name of the company or entity.
  • Company: enter a full or partial name. Hint: a partial name or one word might produce a better result.
  • City: enter a city.
  • State or Country: enter a state, province, or country.
  • Distributes: enter the name of a company whose music you know or think is distributed by the publisher your are searching for.
  • Distributed by: enter the name of a company whose music you know or think distributes the music of the publisher your are searching for.
  • Info: this field might contain information about a specialty or genre emphasized by the publisher, so you might get a good return by entering a term such as Argentina, jazz, Baroque, etc.

The following fields will appear as part of your search results, but they contain primarily abbreviations, and are not practical for quick searches. As a result, they are not currently included in the search form.

  • Street
  • Telephone
  • Fax
  • Email
  • Website


Music Publishers

ID Abbreviation Company Retail Contact Street City State Nation Phone Fax Email Website Distributes Distributed_By Information
1 MSC Music Sales Corporation Yolanda Blum 257 Park Avenue South, 20th floor New York, NY USA t (212) 254-2100 < <http://www.schirmer. com/msg.html Imprints - Chester Music, Novello Music (UK), Shawnee Press, Union Musical Ediciones (Spain), Wide World Music, Inc., World Musi
2 GSch G. Schirmer, Inc. (Copyright) 257 Park Avenue South, 20th floor New York NY 10010, USA t212 254-2100 f 914-254-2013 dist for AMP, RicA
3 Musimed MUSIMED, Livraria Musical, Editora e Distrbuidora Ltda Setor de Diversoes Sul, Ed. Venancio IV sala 106 70.300 Brasília, DF. BRAZIL 70.300. The Caixa Postal is 7006 - Lago Sul - Z.C. 71.600; address from web: PABX 61 244.9799, SCRS 505, Bloco A, Loja 65-70350-510, Brasília, DF
4 ACE American Composer Editions (USA) New York NY, USA handled by American Composers Alliance, .
5 SP.C Camerata-SPA SPAIN> choral music from Spain
6 3Planet Third Planet Music 203 California Ave. Santa Cruz CA 95060, USA tel 408-426-1968
7 AABrz (see Jeuves) Asociación de Artes Brasilieras, or Association for the Arts & Culture "Jueves.” BRAZIL
8 ACA American Composers Alliance 802 W. 190th St., 1st floor New York NY 10040, USA 212-925-0458 212-925-6798
9 AEM.Chi or AEMC Asociacion de Educación Musical de Chile Santiago CHILE one score in Musica, Claro’s anth
10 AffilMus, was Affiliated Affiliated Music Publishers Edition Musicus, Boston Boston MA, USA
11 AFS American Folklore Society Exec. Dir. Timothy Lloyd, Mersohn Center, Ohio State Univ 1501 Neil Ave. Columbus OH 17602, USA periodical Journal of American Folklore
12 Aguavá Aguavá New Music Carmen Téllez & Girardo Dirié 1205 E. Maxwell Lane Bloomington IN 47401, USA 812-331-7116 812-331-7116
13 Alexandria Alexandria House 468 McNally Dr. Nashville, TN 37211, USA 800-877-7732
14 Alfred Alfred Publishing Co., Inc. George Field, submissions ed. 16320 Roscoe Blvd., PO Box 10003 VanNuys (Los Angeles), CA 19410-0003, USA 800-292-6122 818-891-5999
15 AllianceTX, was AllianceMus Alliance Music Publications, Inc. Martha Palmer, Managing Director - Lee Williams? P.O. Box 131977 Houston TX 77219-1977 800-350-7750; 713-868-9980 713-802-2988 multi-cultural (Kaptein) series.
16 AllianceWI, AlliancePub Alliance Publications, Inc Mary Lynn Lightfoot, Choral Ed. 9171 Spring Road Fish Creek, WI 54212-9619 920-868-3100 608-748-4491 specialties Educational, Liturgical & Czech musi
17 ALV Caligrafía Musical de Fco. Alvarez V. Santiago CHILE
18 Amadeus Amadeus Press Hal Leonard New York (pub office); Milwaukee, WI (sales) ? ; owned by Hal Leonard
19 AMC or AmMusCtr American Music Center 322 8th Ave., Ste. 1401 New York NY 10001, USA 212-366-5260 online library, publications, resources
20 AMP Associated Music Publishers c/o G. Schirmer 24 E. 22nd Street New York NY 10010, USA 212-254-2100 Eschig, Union Musical Espanole
21 Amph now Amphion Amphion 60 West 87th St. Apartment 1 New York, NY 10024-3546, USA 212-873-9715> - classical organ, and historic recordings
22 Napoleão (was AN), or SACB or SA Editora Arthur Napoleão, Ltda. 122 Rio Branco Rio de Janeiro BRAZIL active 1923, 1973; rights to Villa Lobos’s music have been transferred to the Fermata company.
23 AP&L now AmP&L American P & R (Houston Publishing) Scott Houston 224 So. Lebanon St. Lebanon IN 46052 800-922-6676
25 Arrow Arrow Music Press, Inc. New York NY, USA Hal Leonard
26 Art Masters [or AMSI, or ArtMSPr or AMSP] Art Masters Studios, Inc. 2614 Nicollet Ave. So. Minneapolis MN 55408, USA 800-733-2874 Lorenz Corp
27 ASCAP ASCAP Morton Gould USA 212-595-3050 copyright permission agency
28 B&B Bote und Bock Berlin GERMANY active 1838-1943.
29 B&H Boosey & Hawkes Carolyn Kalett/Mark Wilson 35 East 21st St. New York NY 10010-6212, USA 212-358-5300 (general or Cathy), 212-358-5352 (Frank, bus. affa fax 212-358-5303. RicAm Mark 516-752-1122, PM 212-979-1090 ; Doreen Rao/CMEl series; Hatfield series; Goetze treble series. Excellent multicultural works.
30 B/Cia Viuda E. Bevilacqua/Cia Calle Tacuarembo, 271 n/v Montevideo URUGUAY
31 B/F Bermejo/Fucci, Litografía Musical Buenos Aires ARGENTINA Active in 1953
32 Bailey Bailey, S. Eugene , Music Importer S. Eugene Bailey 502 Division St. Northfield MN 55057, USA 507-645-7697 Machado Pub Corp (Spain); Ortelli (Argentina), Hermanos.
33 Barry, as BarryArg or BarCia Barry Editorial Com. Ind. S.R.L. Avda. Roque Sáenz Peña 1185, 8o Ne 1048 Buenos Aires ARGENTINA (54-11) 4382-3230/ (54-11) 4382-0745 (54-11) 4383-3946 ; c/o B&H in USA; other tels Tel 011-4383-0745 or 4382-3230; fax 011-4383-3946;
34 Belmont Belmont Music Publishers Elizabeth Soladay 1221 Bienveneda Ave., P.O. Box 231 Pacific Palisades CA 90272, USA 310-454-1867 Faber Music Ltd, Schott Mainz, Universal Edition (Vienna).
35 CPP/Belwin CPP/Belwin Music Michael Lefferts, David Olsen 15800 N.W. 48th Ave. Miami FL 33014, SUA 800-327-7643; 305-620-1500 f (305) 621-1094 owns Belwin-Mills, J. Fischer, EMI, Pro Art, Southern Mus Publishing,
36 Billaudot or Billandot [wrong spelling] or Bill Gérard Billaudot Editeur S. A. c/o Th. Presser (USA) 14, rue de l’Échiquier 75010 Paris FRANCE 00-33-1-47-70-14-46
37 BMI Broadcast Music, Inc. 320 West 57th St. New York NY 10019, USA 800-USA-BMI-1; 212-586-2000
38 Bourne Bourne Music Publishers Eugene Moon/Bill Ryden 5 West 37th St., 6th floor New York NY 10018, USA 212-391-4300
39 Brandes Carlos Brandes BRAZIL?
40 Brass Brass Press 215 Bailey Ave Rock Hill SC, 29732-1003USA 803-336-4446
41 Brodt Brodt Music Co. Lee E. Northcutt P.O. Box 9345; 1906 Commonwealth Ave Charlotte, NC 28299, USA 800-438-4129; fax (800) 446-0812
42 Broude Broude Bros. Ltd. Ronald Broude 141 White Oaks Road Williamstown MA 01267, USA 800-525-8559/413-458-8133 "Music from Spain and the New World"
43 BRU or Brusday Brusday BELGIUM
44 Candela Candela 5460 Village Way Nashville TN 37205, USA 615-383-1815
45 CEMA Casa Edizioni Musicali, or Edizioni Musicali Europee Milan ITALY active 1950 (Augusta Turino)
46 Cembra Editora Cembra São Paulo BRAZIL Active in 1920s-1960s; may no longer exist.
47 Fischer, was CFischer Fischer, Inc., Carl handled by BelMil 65 Bleecker St. New York NY 10012, USA 212-777-0900 f 212-477-6996
48 Chester J.W. Chester of London sales c/o Broude Eagle Court London, ECIM 5 QD (Reg. Office) ENGLAND retail Magnamusic
49 ChorArt or ChoralArt Choral Art Publications c/o Sam Fox Publishing, Plymouth Music Co. 170 NE 33rd St. Ft. Lauderdale FL 33334, USA
50 ChoristersG Choristers Guild 12404 Park Central Dr., Suite 100 Dallas TX 75251, USA 469-398-3606; 800-CHORISTER (246-7478) Lorenz