Recording Companies Search


  • Use the filter fields above the table to filter for particular results. The filters are an AND search.
    Example: If you enter Mexico in the Country filter and Martinez in the Composer filter, you will see results for all records from Mexico where the composer’s name contains Martinez.
  • As you type in any of the filter boxes, the results table will automatically update and show you matching records. You don’t have to click any search button.
  • To view all detail for a particular record, simply click on it. This will open a pop-up window that shows all information for that entry.
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Notes on searching

This search will not correct for spelling errors.

Enter your search terms in only one or two fields. If you enter search terms in more than one field, any results you get will have to match what you entered in all of those fields. Be as accurate as possible in your spellings, Do not include any punctuation or quotation marks in your entries. If you get no results, reduce the number of fields in which you search.

Explanation of fields
  • Company: name or partial name of the recording company.
  • City and State: enter the city, state, or province where the company is located. (use postal abbreviations if in the USA).
  • Country: enter the name of a country, or part of the name; or enter USA.
  • Information: though not every entry is annotated in this field, it could contain information about whether or not it is owned or distributed by another corporation, or is a distributor of other labels; so a search word could be the name of another company, the word distributor, distribute, or the word own. The field sometimes contains information about the history of the label or company.

The following fields will appear as part of your search results, however they are not currently included in the search form.

  • Street
  • ZIP
  • Telephone
  • Website
  • E-Mail


Recording Companies

ID Company Street City, State Country ZIP Phone Website Email Info
1 Acqua Records Av. Corrientes 2989, 2o 5 C1119AAF Buenos Aires ARGENTINA ARGENTINA 43 11-4867-3543 ; Artists: De Boca en Boca
2 Affetti Musicali 29 B Norte 1406-5 Fracc. Las Hondas, C.P. 72070 Puebla, Puebla MEXICO 012.2850.761
3 Akron R. Mal. Hastimphilo de Moura 338-BD2 05641-900 São Paulo SP BRAZIL Active 1999
4 Alia Vox SPAIN Label for Jordi Savall and his ensembles: Hespèrion, Le Concert des Nationa, & La Capella Reial de Catalunya.
5 Allegro Corp. 20048 NE San Rafael St. Portland, OR USA 97230-3443 800-288-2007; ; labels: Iago, Urtext, Symphonia, Coro
6 Alma Latina Reissue label from Barcelona for Cuban popular romantic music.
7 Almasud Records Madeira PORTUGAL
8 Ambiente Musical .
9 Angel: a c/ Emi-Odeon, Indústrias Elétricas e Musicais Av. Rio Brancao, 277,4.o andar 20.000 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) BRAZIL Active in 1965.
10 Media Sound Art / Voyce of Lyrics Quartier Les Garrigues 13840 Rognes France records for ensemble Música Temprana
11 ARB 24 Rue Sainte Anne Paris 75002 FRANCE tel +33 (1) 42 60 36 63; fax +33 (1) 42 60 36 57
12 Archivo Colonial de América Latina Argentina Label begun by Fonema studio in Rosaria, 1961, and ended in the late 1970’s.
13 Areito CUBA 1976
14 Ars Nova MEXICO, ARGENTINA, GUATEMALA. There is an Ars Nova in Copenhagan, DENMARK.
15 Arsis Audio Boston, MA USA 800-777-1919. Distributed by Diverdi . There is also a Spanish lable Arsis.
16 Art Color CUBA Formed in the 1980’s.
17 ARTEX S.A. CUBA Formed in the 1980’s.
18 ASC-Academia Santa Cecília de Discos 20,000 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) BRAZIL
19 Associação Brasileira dos Produtores de Discos = ABPD Recording companies listed: EMI Music, MK Music, Music Brokers, Paulina, Record Production & Recordings LTDA (Record Produções e Gravações), Free Sound (Som livre), Sony Music Entertainment, The Walt Disney Records, Universal Music, and Warner Music
20 ASV
21 ATC Buenos Aires ARGENTINA Active in 1980s.
22 Atração Fonográfica Rio de Janeiro BRAZIL Very strong company.
23 Auvidis Editions Musicales 9, Rue Victor Masse Paris 75000 FRANCE , Miami, FL Owned by Naïve. There are several Auvidis labels, including Astrée Auvidis for Classical. Bought Silex. Sold to Naïve Label Group in 1998. There is a label Auvidis Silex. Recorded zarzuelas in the 1990s. Distributed in USA by Naxos (2003).
24 Ayui/Tacuabe Montevideo URUGUAY
25 Barclay Records FRANCE Company formed in 1954, and is now owned by Universal Music Grup.
26 Biscoito Fino Rua Sarapuí, n° 8, Botafogo Rio de Janeiro - RJ - CEP 22260.170 BRAZIL (21) 2266-9319
27 BisMusic Calle 21 No. 459 entre E y F, Vedado La Habana CUBA CUBA (53 7) 55-3840/ 55-3693 General Manager: Ela Ramos
28 BMG Brazil São Paulo BRAZIL
29 Brazilian Sound, The
30 Caligraf S.R.L. Buenos Aires ARGENTINA Active in the 1990s
31 Cantabile GUATEMALA? Citation: 1992. There is a Cantabile Musikproduction in Königsfeld, GERMANY.
32 Cantus Producciones Musicales: Música y Cultura S.R.L. La Paz? SPAIN Citation: 1995.
34 Capital Was EMI Capitol de México in the 1980s. Also had branches in Brazil and perhaps elsewhere.
35 Caravelle BRAZIL Made 2 recordings of music by H. Villa-Lobos for Museu Villa-Lobos.
36 Caribe Productions CUBA Formed in the 1980’s.
37 Carlos Sanchez-Sierle 155 W. 95th St. New York, NY USA 10025
38 CBD-Companhia Brasileira de Discos (Phonogram S.A.) Av. Rio Branco, 311, 4.o andar 20.000 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) BRAZIL Active in 1960s.
39 CBS Special Products USA Active in 1987.
40 CBS-Discos, Indústria e Comércio Av. Rio Branco, 277, 4.o andar 20.000 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) BRAZIL
41 CC = Camerata de Caracas Caracas VENEZUELA
42 CD Clasica Buenos Aires?
43 Centaur Records Baton Rouge, LA USA
44 Chantecler (Gravações Cantecler Ltda.) Rua Aurora, 974 01-209 São Paulo (SP) BRAZIL Active in 1960s.
45 Cida Vascondelos? BIP 031-274-6744, código 301041 FAX 031-461-6443; fax 031-461-6443; BIP 031-274-6744, código 301041
46 Civic Classics - Civic Records Group PO Box 26426 Los Angeles, CA USA 90026 310-455-9678 Other address: PO Box 1504, Topanga, CA, 90290; phone.
47 Classical Imports (August Rojas) 936 S. Detroit St. Los Angeles, CA USA 90036
48 Claves Records Trüelveg 14 3600 Thun SWITZERLAND active 1995
49 Clio Rio de Janeiro BRAZIL Releases in 1980s.
50 Colección Privada Argentina Label begun by Fonema studio in Rosaria, 1961, and ended in the late 1970’s.