Sociedad Argentino de Autores y Compositores: <>: information about copyrights and works under copyrights; in Spanish only.

Directorio Coros Argentinos: <>: has an e-list, calendar of events, directory of choirs in Argentina, and links.

Música Classica Argentina:  <>: e-list in Spanish.

Asociación Argentina para la Música Coral “America Cantat:” <>: organization that promotes choral music through seminars, festivals, contests, and other activities; the site has a list of Latin American composers, an e-list, and many links.

Adicora (Asociación de Directores de Coros de la República Argentina): <>: in Spanish; member of the International Federation for Choral Music; sponsors courses, conferences, festivals, publications, recordings, commissions; publicizes events; links to other large organization.

Música Coral: <>: in Spanish; news, calendar of events, radio programming, e-list, links, etc; kept up-t0-date by Tulio Pablo Fiorentino.

Cita Coral: <>: in Spanish; has an e-list, links, essays, news, etc.


Ars Continua: <>: web site in Spanish , for an early music ensemble and chorus, a festival of early music; not updated since 2010; some scores in pdf format available to members.

 Asociación Argentina de Musicología:  <>.

Cantapueblo: Cantapueblo: International festival, holding concerts in various cities for 5 days, ending in a mass concert of all choirs; held in Argentina; 2010 (21st annual, in November 2009 marked 21st year); produces CDs & DVDs of concerts; also holds a festival for children’s choirs.

“Cantar” (site of Julio E.A. Cantarini): <>: features a choral catalogue (1,207 original works, arrangements, collections, anthologies), links, and choral library.


Centro Provincial de Documentación y Información…Conservatório de Música Julian Aguirre: <>: the chief topic is tango.


Composers and Performers: a point of departure to know Argentine musicians: <>: lists of composers, performers, musicologists, critics, organizations; mp3s for listening, scores, news, calendar of events, links.


Directorio de Coros Argentinos: <>.


Fundación Takian Cay: <>: a foundation founded in Córdoba, Argentina, that sponsors a chamber choir and other musical ensembles and other activities that promote music and culture in general in many venues.

Instituto Nacional de Musicológico “Carlos Vega:” <>: a research institute oriented to classical music; funds a scholarly journal, publishes music, etc.

[La] Página Vocal de Armando: <www.paisvirtual.commusica/fussion/armandoderm.html>: features bulletin board, news, links, music software, publishers, lists of vocal ensembles (Argertine & international).

Música clásica Argentina:>: lists of performers, ensembles, conductors, composers, musicologists, critics, teachers, coreographers, dancers, institutions; sales of books, music, and recordings published by Editorial Argentina de Compositores; an e-list for discussion; many links and contact information for conductors, choirs, etc.