Website – Brazil


Note: This list is being constantly up-dated, due to the frequency of change in the status and configuration of many web sites. You can assist in this effort by notifying Suzanne of changes you find or otherwise know about. Thank you.


Academia Brasileira de Música:  <>: most prestigious academy in Brazil. Website offers free access to a database of over 8500 works published since the 16th century; art music, traditional, and popular; biographies of many composers; on-line periodical Revista Braziliana. Portuguese & English versions.

Brazilian Concert Music (Coro Lírico da Fundação Clóvis Salgado):  <>:  images of album covers, and downloadable recordings of works by Brazilian composers.

Burle Marx Brazilian Music Collection: <>: special collection at the University of Akron Bierce Library; books, scores, and recordings of art, folk, and popular music, as well as links to Brazilian sites.

Centro de Documentação de Música Contemporâne (CDMC/UNICAMP Brasil): <>:  large government-run site that sends an e-newsletter CDMUSICA listing repertoire, events, concerts, conferences, courses, etc., in Brazil and elsewhere.

Centro de Música Brasileira: <>:  a blog to promote Brazilian art music, funded by the São Paulo state Secretary of Culture; lists concerts.

Correio Musical:>:  provides information on Brazilian classical composers and sells scores published by Ponteio Publishing, Inc.; publishes announcements of concerts, news, new organizations, books, CDs, classified ads, recordings for listening, list of composers with e-mail URLs, lists of performers by instrument (no vocalists); has the  periodical Viva Música.

Editora Movimento pró música clássica do Brasil: <>:  non-profit promoter of Brazilian classical music, with links to composers’ websites, announcements of concert and other events, and information about various music.

Escola de Communicações e Artes, Universidad de São Paulo, Biblioteca, Partituras (School of Communications and Arts, Library of scores): <>:

Festivals Of Brazil: <>, <>:  lists music festivals of various kinds in Brazil.

Festival Internacional de Corais Minas Gerais: <>: twelve-day choral festival with events in various cities in the Belo Horizonte area. Pdfs of arrangments of music by reputable composers available without charge.

Música Brasilis:  <>:  provides scores, recordings and video recordings of the works of Brazilian composers.

National Library at Rio de Janeiro: Brazilian Composers Virtual Archives: <>:  has a project of scanning older scores to put on the internet: services. The library will make  microfilm or paper copies of music, by arrangement. DIMAS (Divisão de Música e Arquivo Sonoro) already has some completed some projects: 1) Amaramário, multimedia file about Mário de Andrade; 2) D. Pedro II, multimedia file about the emperor; 3) Catalogue of multimedia files on the Internet (where you can see a score and hear the music.  4) Links to biographies of Brazilian composers. 

Unicamp: <>:

VivaMúsica!: <>:  reports on Classical music, publishes a bilingual directory for musicians, sends announcements of events to media in Rio de Janeiro & São Paulo; the company publishes VivaMúsica! Directory (a guide to the classical music industry), and Agenda VivaMúsica monthly guide to classical music in Rio de Janeiro). Portuguese and English versions.


<www.brazil-brasil>:  adddresses relationships between Brazilian and US cultures, particularly music of various kinds, including classical.

Centro Cultural Pró-Musica:  <>, <>, <>: sponsors a yearly festival of Brazilian music, often focusing on historic music, and produces and sells the recordings of the concerts presented during the festivals; produces the periodical Pro-Música, Símbolo do Cultura.

CEVE (Coral Espirita Vozes da Esperanca, Goiania, State of Goias): < vienna/strasse/4303>; in Portuguese and Spanish; focuses on contemporary Christian music, but includes other sacred music; over 500 scores available for downloading; links to Brazilian composers; CDs available for listening.

ClassicalNet:  <>: lists of Brazilian composers from 1550 to the 20th century; the larger site is searchable.

Fundação Cultural e Educacional da Qrquidiocese de Mariana (FUNDARQ):  <>:  sponsors research into historical music in the state of Minas Gerais, and sells scores and recordings of the music.

Mapping Brazil Project: Classical Music: <—classical-music>: general information, history, lists of educational institutions, periodicals, major performing organizations, festivals, concert series, scholarly activity, music publishers, periodicals, radio and television music programming, etc.

Música Colonial Brasileira: <>: scholarly site under construction. 

Música Colonial Brasileira:  <>: blog of Márcio Miranda Pontes, a university professor in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil; 


Villa Lobos Museum:  <>, or <>: run by the Red Deer Public Library, Red Deer, Alberta, Canada; Includes a biography of composer/educator Héitor Villa-Lobos (1881-1959], a list of his major works, bibliography, discography, and links to other websites about Villa-Lobos.


Luso-Brazilian Music Society (formerly the Brazilian Music Society), e-list, <>:  manager, Luis Fernando Vallim Lopes (Indiana University); scholarly discussion of Luso-Brazilian music, encompassing classical, folk, and popular music of Brazil, Portugal, and related countries.

História Música:  <>:  a moderated e-list, created in 2002, for discussion (in Portuguese) of history, events, journals, and CDs.



Conjunto Calíope:  professional chamber chorus; conducted by historical music coro de câmera formado por cantores profissionais dedicado a repertório da música antiga a contemporânea, Maestro do Coro Sinfônico do Rio de Janeiro – and several other important choirs.

British Choirs on the Net: List of Brazilian choirs:  <>

Federação Nacional dos Meninos Cantores do Brasil: an association of boychoirs in Brazil.

RETAILERS  (books, classical music CDs, and DVDs):

Loga Classicos: <>: store for books, music, and recordings: 

MusiMed: sells music, books about music, CDs; <>. Livraria Musimed, SCRS 505 Bloco A loja 65 – W3 Sul : Brasília – DF,  70350-510.  Fone: (61) 3244-9799.